The eTOX Hackathon starts today at PRBB

The first eTOX Hackathon will be celebrated from 4th to 7th of May at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB). The objective of this event is to gather multidisciplinary teams from academic, SME and EFPIA partners to work on a limited number of cases that require close, hands-on collaboration between modellers and toxicologists.

The first eTOX Hackathon will be celebrated from 4th to 7th of May at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB). The objective of this event is to gather multidisciplinary teams from academic, SME and EFPIA partners to work on a limited number of cases that require close, hands-on collaboration between modellers and toxicologists. The goal of this exercise will be to mine the collected eTOX data in order to derive new in silico models. 4 challenges have been designed and an attendance of over 30 people is confirmed.

The eTOX project aims to develop a drug safety database from the pharmaceutical industry legacy toxicology reports and public toxicology data, innovative in silico strategies and novel software tools to better predict the toxicological profiles of small molecules in early stages of the drug development pipeline. The eTOX project is funded by IMI and coordinated by the GRIB.