On 3 November, the 36 projects selected by Patronat de la Fundació de La Marató have been made public on the proposal of the Scientific Advisory Committee.
The Marató de TV3 and Catalunya Radio has selected six projects involving the Hospital del Mar Institute for Medical Research and Hospital del Mar to grant them funding for the La Marató 2021 aid call, dedicated to mental health. In total, 36 proposals have been selected from 81 research teams to distribute the more than EUR 12.1 million collected in the last edition of the programme.
Dr. Gabriel Santpere, coordinator of the Neurogenomics Research Group and with the participation of the Fundación Institut Pere Virgili and Barcelona Braeta Brain Research Center (BBRC), research centre of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation, his project ‘A integrating approach to schizophrenia risk prediction taking advantage of the brain image and the transcriptome of the olfactory neuroepiteli’ has been selected among the 150 proposals presented.
The next edition of La Marató, dedicated to cardiovascular health, will take place on 18 December.