Research Groups

The GRIB is currently organized in nine research groups.

To support the scientific personnel, the GRIB has an IT & Management office.

Mar Albà (HMRI) and Manuel Pastor (UPF) are Coordinators of the GRIB. 

Computational science

Led by Gianni de Fabritiis is dedicated to computational science in biomedicine and machine learning....


Led by Gabriel Santpere aims to gain insight into the evolutionary mechanisms leading to human...

Evolutionary genomics

Led by M. Mar Albà and focused on the use of comparative genomics and large-scale...

Functional Genomics

The research focus of the Functional Genomics group led by Robert Castelo is the development...

GPCR Drug Discovery

Led by Jana Selent and focussed on the functionality of G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs)...

Integrative Biomedical Informatics

Led by Ferran Sanz and dedicated to the generation and execution of research initiatives for...


Led by Manuel Pastor and focused on development and application of pharmacoinformatic methods in the...

Structural Bioinformatics

Led by Baldo Oliva and dedicated to the analysis and modelling of protein 3D structures,...

Comparative and functional genomics

During the last years the genomic revolution has provided unique research opportunities unthought-of before....

Microbiome Research

The Microbiome Research Group led by Mireia Valles-Colomer analyses the human body-associated microbial communities (microbiome)...