
Dr. Miguel Ángel Mayer participates in the report on Real World Data and Real World Evidence by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS)

Dr. Miguel ángel Mayer contributed to the CIOMS report on Real World Data and Real World Evidence, guiding regulators on using this data. ...

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Solving the puzzle of membrane receptors

The G-protein-coupled receptor-based drug development group, led by Jana Selent, creates molecular dynamics simulations that help find new drugs for nervous system diseases....

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Prof. Joseph Schacherer as invited speaker at GRIB

Prof. Joseph Schacherer from the University of Strasbourg has done a seminar: "Species-wide quantitative transcriptomes and proteomes reveal distinct genetic control of gene expression variation"...

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A study led by GRIB, has identified a group of microproteins exclusive to liver tumors that could be key to developing cancer vaccines

The research was led by the Evolutionary Genomics Research Group at the Hospital del Mar Research Institute, in collaboration with Cima University of Navarra...

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Thesis defence of José Carlos Montañés: Discovery and evolutionary analysis of novel genes and translated ORFs

José Carlos will defend his thesis on July 11 at 10h, in 61.232 room of campus Mar Doctor Aiguader, 80.08003 Barcelona. ...

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Dr. Jana Selent in new Avenues to Developing Personalized Treatments for Schizophrenia

An international study led by the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (Dr. Jana Selent's group of GRIB) has demonstrated, for the first time,...

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Next OPEN GRIB SEMINAR will be given by Helena Crowell

The next Open GRIB Seminar " Whole-transcriptome spatial molecular imaging of Tubullovillous adenomas", by Helena Crowell, will take place next Wednesday 29 May 2024 at 15.30 h in Xipre's room....

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Once again GRIB participates in “Visit the research of La Marató”

At the Hospital del Mar Research Institute, we are participating in this initiative by organizing four visits where different projects funded by the 2021...

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Scientists reveal for the first time the details of protein association at the atomic level

Scientists from the Computational Biophysics group of GRIB (IMIM-UPF) jointly with Freie Universität Berlin (FU Berlin), for the first time, simulated the association and dissociation of protein...

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